Sunday, January 31, 2021

Blog Post #3

Think about the Six Clauses, or Six Freedoms, of the First Amendment and use the six freedoms as lenses as you read the news 

   So, the article that I read and included at the end of this blog post is talking about how the protest has helped to bring the issues of racial equality back to the forefront of people's minds. And that such a large push has made it impossible for politicians to ignore or attempt to brush under the rug. One of the Six Freedoms listed in the First Amendment is the right to peaceably assemble. When we talk about the protest, they were planned to be peaceful. The intention was and is to march and draw attention to the issues that are happening to people who call the United States home. 

    Another freedom, that is included in the First Amendment is the right to petition the government for a redress of grievances. That is what the focus is on when the marches are happening. They are one of the best ways to bring the issues to the forefront of people's minds. The government needs to know that the people have a problem with what is going on and that the people care about having it be fixed.

  The First Amendment does not cover violent action or speech that can cause incitement to violence. So when we are talking about the protests, the marching is welcome and protected, but as soon as those fringe members moved over into destroying property, it was no longer protected. It had changed from a form of speech that is protected to action and a violent one at that. The First Amendment does not protect that at all.

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Blog Post #12

The Online Experience of A "Zellennial"      First, let us start by defining a "zellennial". Every generation has had a ...