Monday, January 25, 2021



1. Fox-

    One thing that I never want to be is stuck in an echo chamber. I think it is so dangerous for the growth of a person but also for someone involved in the world. If you are only seeing things that reaffirm what you already think, you aren't pushing yourself to be critical of the world around you. So, I try to read at least a little bit of news from both sides of the spectrum, to see what other people are saying about the same topics. See what they are saying and what I agree or disagree with. I think it helps me to have a better understanding of what is happening.

2. CNN-

    For the same reason I wrote about above I try to read CNN as well. They tend to be more left leaning and I feel like by reading the two of those, I get a better understanding of the real story and what is happening in the world. 

3. AP-

     I like reading the news put out by the AP because it is for the most part just the facts. They don't put a lot of spin on things and just report it as it happened. I feel like while it is the most boring way to read the news it helps to see where the news outlet put their own spin on things. If you can identify that, I think, reading the news gets a lot easier and more helpful as well.   

4. New York Times-

    My dad was a journalist for the longest time and he always insisted that reading the paper was important. For as long as I can remember the New York Times has been delivered to our house and my dad used to insist that I read at least some part of it. As I got older I started reading more of it on my own and now I read it online because its the easiest way to read it.

5. BBC-

    I think the BBC does a great job in covering foreign issues. I always go to them for what is happening around the world. I think it is well written and not super biased in the reporting, so there isn't as much of a hidden story like you can find with super biased reporting. When I was living abroad that was the best way for me to find out what was happening in my country I was living in, especially in my language.

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