Saturday, February 6, 2021

Blog Post #4


    I think one of the main reasons that a lot of these sites don't seem to have the same pull as the mainstream news does is the fact that the government like all other bodies in the world cares about their image. In the same way, a person wouldn't post a picture or let someone else post a picture of them, that painted them in a bad light, the government wants to avoid that too. Luckily for us, as individuals, we have the right to the freedom of the press and are allowed to search out other sources. That doesn't mean that they will be easy to find, but they are out there and the government can't do much to take them down, even if they don't like what is being said.

  We live in a time where the amount of information we have at our fingertips is unprecedented. With just a few clicks, we can have access to all the information we want. And yet in a lot of ways we have become compliant in what news we consume. We need to be better at not taking news at face value. Looking at other sources is the first step, there have been lesser-known sources that have been focusing on pointing out the "similar thinking" of major news sources. It can be seen in a lot of articles where they are written either similarly or in some cases the same, as in word for word. It is easy to take the word of only the mainstream media, but then you are only getting one side of any story. We as people need to look past that and find more than just those sources.

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Blog Post #12

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