Monday, March 22, 2021

Extra Blog Post

The Facebook Dilemma
    Looking at how rare it is for a business model to explode as Facebook did is a great way to understand where we can find some of the shortcomings that are now becoming a huge problem for the company. This is one of the most populated social media sites of all time. And I'm sure if you went and asked Mark Zuckerberg about it he would tell you that he had no idea that it was ever going to be this big. But the problem arises when your model is about collecting as much data as you can, but your security isn't keeping up with it. Facebook's model is based on collecting as much user data as possible so that they can better cater to what you want to see. That way you want to keep scrolling because the things you are seeing are built for you to want to see. 

    But when the business model is creating portfolios on every person that uses your product, you should have a good way to protect them. Instead, Facebook has made their model selling the data off to the highest bidder. Opening people up to some dangerous targeting and shows where the flaws are in the business model of Facebook, which is now a big enough corporation that it owns other social media sites. So even if you think you don't use Facebook, you probably use one of its branches like Instagram. It is scary how much information and power social media has in the lives of everyday people. To have such a huge company not be keeping up or worse not trying to keep up with the new threats that are present within their product is scary and dangerous. 

    The Facebook Dilemma talks to people who were there at the beginning and have seen the growth of this company. They have an understanding of what Facebook is and also isn't doing to protect the people using them. Watching how some of them talked about the company gave me the same feeling I get when I watch episodes of black mirror. I have the overwhelming urge to hurl all my electronics into the ocean and go completely off-grid. The future of technology is ever-evolving and that can be a scary thing to think about sometimes.

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