Friday, January 29, 2021

Blog Post #2


    I was surprised to hear that the average time for a Supreme Court Justice to serve was just 16 years. When you say things as they serve till death or retirement it is easy to imagine them serving for many years. They then go on to talk about how some of the justices go on to serve for at least twice that long. That can sometimes be decades after the president who appointed them to the chair in the Supreme Court has left office. That is so interesting to me because while they are supposed to be as impartial as possible when hearing and deciding cases, there can sometimes be slip-ups in that impartiality. So, even after the leadership has changed on some of the other branches, the Supreme Court could still be following the older guard when they are making their decisions.

    It was nice to hear them say that while presidents have always attempted to make the courts up in a way that they thought would benefit them, it hasn't always worked. Hearing that the justices went out of their way to assert their independence from the president who had nominated them goes a long way. The Supreme Court has power because it has respect for its interpretations of the Constitution. If there was fear that everything the court did was biased to who appointed them a lot of that respect would be lost. So, that acknowledgment of the power that they hold is important for the people.

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Blog Post #12

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