Saturday, March 20, 2021

Blog Post #9


We share so much on the internet, especially the newer generations that were raised using it. They have had it for so long that they forget some of the rules older generations were taught. The levels of mistrust that were around when the internet was a new creation, has slowly but surely subsided as more people join the internet and it becomes more and more entwined with our lives. I remember when I was growing up, everywhere I looked there was some warning about the danger of strangers on the internet. Things like making sure you never gave out any personal details about yourself. Or if you had to give out any personal information make sure it was the bare minimum and that it was generic as possible.

But now these younger kids are happy to put so much of their information out for everyone to see because that same stigma that was around earlier on in the development of the internet isn't around anymore. Listening to the ted talk Darieth Chisolm gave where she talks about how she was the victim of revenge porn is heartbreaking. This is something that people now have to deal with more and more. But sadly the government and lawmakers haven't been keeping up so far. People need to be protected from other people on the internet. It's not just pictures, it can also be basic information like phone numbers and addresses.

People share information without even realizing it sometimes. You could tell a story about yourself and the details can make it so easy to find out where you live. Or just having your phone number can make your life so difficult. The problem is that in life people are always going to be awful in a lot of ways. So, now what we need is for lawmakers to start focusing on the language of laws also extend to the internet. We need laws that make stalking on the internet a serious crime and protect the people that are being affected by it. Same as revenge porn, this is a serious crime and we need more clear language to protect people on the internet.

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Blog Post #12

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