Monday, March 22, 2021

Blog Post #11

Write a post about what you learned from a different team.

Illusory Truth Effect

    The illusory truth effect is a communication technique that explains why we believe things that are proven false. The effect occurs when we hear things repeated enough times that the information becomes more believable. When we hear something enough, the information becomes more and more cemented in our heads that it is true. This is how a lot of superstitions and wives' tales get passed down as well. You hear enough times that not wearing a jacket when it is raining will get you sick and, it no longer matters if it is true or not because you believe it.

    This effect is particularly helpful for political campaigns. Sharing information and having more and more people take it as a fact can change how a candidate is viewed by the people. But it can also be dangerous. If enough people believe misinformation, it can be hard to correct that information. We have to be careful how we use this information if you are purposely spreading misinformation. There needs to be a level of understanding about the level of harm you could potentially cause and also the repercussions that can come from the information.

    Communication techniques are all about selling things and sharing information. But you have to be careful about how you share the information. Being a communication professional means knowing how to maneuver all of the information and the techniques used to win people over. You want to share your information without hurt other people. 

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Blog Post #12

The Online Experience of A "Zellennial"      First, let us start by defining a "zellennial". Every generation has had a ...