Saturday, February 13, 2021

Blog Post #7

EOTO Blog Post
Homing Pigeons

    Back in the time of Ancient Greece, the homing pigeons were used to announce the winners of the Olympic Games. The homing pigeons have been used forever, there are even stories that date back to the time of Noah's ark. But where they held the most important was in war correspondences. With coded messages that were being sent, being vulnerable to interception they had a better way of getting the letter where they needed to go by using the homing pigeons.

  The group told the story about a homing pigeon that was shot and still managed to get the letter that they were entrusted with to the people they were supposed to. That isn't something that happens with technology now. There is a certain reliance we have now that the technology will work when we ask it to. And now if it doesn't, we are high and dry sometimes. With things like homing pigeons, they are alive and can work outside of what they are expected to do.

  I had never thought of that aspect of the expansion of technology. But this presentation brings up interesting questions about technology and what changing it and moving forward means. Technology is ever moving forward and that change can mean a loss of somethings that are important to us.

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Blog Post #12

The Online Experience of A "Zellennial"      First, let us start by defining a "zellennial". Every generation has had a ...